Tuesday, March 28, 2006

FF6 : ActiveBar Evaluation Message

Anyone who has ever tried to deploy the Foxfire! Query and Report Writer version 6.0 on Windows XP or Terminal Server with security has likely seen this problem before. When you first start up Foxfire!, it displays a message that says Thank you for evaluating ActiveBar by Data Dynamics.

Why do you get that?

ActiveBar checks for its licensing by looking in the registry in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses. In Windows 2003 Terminal Server and updated versions of XP, access to this key was limited to power users and administrators (I'm not sure why since this is only the license access portion of the registry but I'm sure someone can explain it to me). Since a regular user doesn't have access to this, the message appears and confuses users.

You can still run and design reports but it's still very annoying.

How Do You Solve It?
I want thank Windows Server MVP Vera Noest for this solution - I was amazed at how easy it really was.

1. Log in as Administrator.
2. Start REGEDIT (Choose Run from the Start menu and enter REGEDIT)
3. Find the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses.
4. Right-click on the key and choose Permissions.
5. Set the permissions for Users to Full Control. (I'm not sure why Read is selected but Write is not but Full Control was all that was available on my end - if you can just set it to Read then you may be able to get by with this).
6. Close the Registry.
7. Re-login as a regular user.

The problem should now be solved.


At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This option is not available in W2K server. What would the equivalent be in W2K server?



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